Thursday, September 20, 2012

Peru, Day 12 - Refugios Amazon

The next day, we decide to climb a Brazilian nut tree in the afternoon. This is one of the tallest trees in the area.

We get suited up.

It's quite a way to the top.

 My brother and I at the top:

While we're up there, a storm approaches.
Time to go!

We go back to our rooms for a ciesta. 

After the rain, we spot monkeys (tamarins) jumping in the trees.

See the three straight trees in the center? Look near the bottom of the right one.

In this one, look at the middle of the center tree of the three straight trees.

Later, we take a walk out to the "Canopy Tower," where we can see above the treetops.

The tower from below. 
Not seen: the swarms of bugs (fortunately I'm wearing a bug net suit!).

From up here, we are at the "canopy level" of the jungle.

Panorama of the view:

After this we take a bit of a hike.

We find a spider,

learn they transport the luggage from the boat to the lodge,

and end up at the bank to watch the sun set over the river.

That night, we go caiman hunting.

On the way we see some amblypygids, also known as tailless scorpions. They are related to scorpions and spiders, and are harmless to humans. (I saw one of the tour guides pick one up!)

Frogs are a bit cuter than those guys.

And here is our caiman!

We also see a capybara and a... heron?

On the way back, we saw another spider (no picture, sorry). Our tour guide informed us that it was a "sacha wandering spider" and that it was poisonous (though less poisonous than the Brazilian wandering spider). There were two of them sitting outside a bullet ant home, waiting to ambush him. 


Our tour guide also tried to lure out a tarantula from his home. We decided he was out for the night though.

This was our last evening in Peru. The next day was a boat and a plane back to the U.S.

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