Thursday, May 14, 2009


Last Wednesday FischerSpooner was in town.

My video is pretty poor quality. Here's what it sounds like when you're not recording through a cellphone:

And photos from the show:

It smelled of sweat.

The floor was wet. (I was standing in a puddle of spilled I-don't-know-what.)

The lights were flashing.

The base was pounding.

And I think more groups should employ ballerinas on stage.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

There.  There they are.  There they are.  They are mine!
They belong to me! The Red Bull gathered them for me
one by one, and I bade him drive each one into the sea. Now, they live
there. And every tide carries them within an easy step of the land, but
they dare not come out of the water! They are afraid of the Red Bull. ...I
like to watch them. They fill me with joy. ...The first time I felt it I
thought I was going to die.

-Peter S. Beagle
Well, my phone camera doesn't take great pictures. But sometimes I forget to bring my real camera along.

~the crack protruded~
~her toe did not avoid it~
~sidewalk rushed to face~