Friday, May 28, 2010

Alaska - Day 9 - Seward and Kenai Tours

The cruise is over, and now we begin the land tour.

We pull into port at Seward. Our first visit is the aquarium there.
It's pretty much your run of the mill aquarium. It has fish and other aquatic creatures, as aquariums are wont to do.

Next is the fjord tour.
A fjord is a waterway that has been formed from glaciers. Normally a valley filled with water would have a V shaped base. But because of the way the glacier has carved away the valley, the base has U shape instead.


Seward was once a major player in the oil industry, but an earthquake destroyed the town in 1964. The earthquake was a 9.2 on the Richter scale and lasted for four minutes. The quake broke open lots of oil barrels, which then spilled into the fjord. The oil caught fire. Shortly after this, a tidal wave resulting from the quake carried the burning oil into the town. Whatever had not already been destroyed by the earthquake was burned by the fire.

We saw lots of animals on our fjord tour.

Sea otters are pretty much awesome.

It's pretty much impossible to get a picture of a porpoise (they move way too quickly), but a pod of them decides to play around our bow for quite a bit.

Kingfisher of some sort.

Killerwhales. The females travel in a pod close together. The male follows not too far behind, few hundred meters maybe.

Puffins. They can't fly right now. They tried.

Mama and baby goat.

And some neat cliffs.

We also saw a humpback whale and and a bald eagle.

We stay in a lodge not too far outside Seward.
This is across the street. See how flat it is between the mountains? This is evidence that a glacier passed through this valley, scraping away and carving it into what it is today.

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