Saturday, September 7, 2013

Crafting a White Walker: Wearing and Final Notes


Lessons Learned

Practice putting everything on before it's time to wear it.
There are several things I learned in the practice run.

1. I have no chin.
Anytime I looked sideways, the pantyhose stretched at my neck (see photo below).
I fixed this by adding spirit gum to my neck and jawline when I wore it.

2. Cool poses showed off my fleshy human stomach.
I fixed this by using the waist area of a set of pantyhose and adding latex and tissue similar to the arms.

3. My shoulders were neglected.
The shoulders were difficult to reach, so I hadn't worked on them as much.
I fixed this by stuffing the arms with plastic bags (though in the future I will use balled up wax paper) so that I could work on them while they were not on my arms.

Order of Operations

Put contacts in first. Make sure your hands are clean.

Save your arms for as late as possible because they will prevent you from handling other items.

Put on any of the clothes while your hands are free.
Add the mask and the wig.
(See the next two paragraphs about attaching the mask).

When you wear the face for the costume, use spirit gum to adhere the mask around the eye holes, sides of the nose, and under the jawline. Put the spirit gum on your skin. You'll feel it get warm as it cures. Once it's warm, press the mask against your skin to seal it.

I used Ben Nye white clown make up on the skin around eyes, then setting powder, then the black face paint, then setting powder again. Do not worry about this make up also getting on your mask. It's the same make up that is already on your mask anyways. The make up color should blend fairly seamlessly from your eyes through to your mask.

Lastly put on the arms, and any clothing items that goes on top of the arms.


  1. Wonderfully thorough tutorial, thanks for sharing all of your successes (and mistakes, I learn best from those, too)! This was really breathtaking in person at D*Con, I will stay tuned for your future projects!

    1. Coming from someone who had such amazing costumes herself, thank you!
