Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Peru, Day 4 - Colca Canyon

Today we go to Colca Canyon to see the condors.

Breakfast today is a strange mix of various cereals and grains and powder. I tried to make something similar to an oatmeal. I also had fruit, olives and cheese, and coca tea.

Driving through the Colca Valley:

Colca Canyon is very fertile and good for growing crops. The word "colca" means "storage."

On the way we make a pit stop in Maca.

This is the bathroom I used. The sink is in the wall on the left.

There are many earthquakes here. This 18th century church was destroyed by an earthquake in 1991, but has been rebuilt.

Here are some Pre-Incan tombs. See the holes up by the red clay? The bodies would be placed in the fetal position into baskets. These baskets would be placed into the sides of mountains.

We also run across an Andean deer, which seems to be someone's pet judging by the ribbon on its neck.

The Colca Canyon at 4,160 m is 2x as deep as the Grand Canyon.

Here is where the condors nest

The Andean Condor is one of the largest birds in the world with a wingspan of 3.5 meters.

When we first arrive we see some juvenile females (about 8-9 years old). We can tell they are juvenile by their brown color.

A young female from below:

Adults are black and white.

Back near the bus there is a local musician performing.

That evening we go back to Arequipa for dinner at Chi Cha and walking around town.

More images around the Plaza del Armas:

Chi Cha is fancy.

But delicious!

Local drink: Pisco Sour:

Oh, and this is a local dessert, queso helado. That's cheese ice cream. And it was delicious.

And a little post dinner dessert for everyone?

The Plaza is nice at night too.

I also catch a photo of this Salvador Dali graffiti when we drive past:

Though honestly I can't remember when I took that. Anyways, back to our Arequipa hotel. Colca Canyon was beautiful.

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